Sunday, August 2, 2009

You guessed it, raspberries

One more fruit to love from the Okanagan. We are blessed to be in such an abundantly productive agricultural area of the world. These raspberries came from Boss Hog's mom and step dad's farm where they have an ENORMOUS organic raspberry patch. So enormous in fact, that both the kids were too tired of picking raspberries and putting them in their mouths, that they started stealing berries out of the buckets BH and I were picking into. The cheek.

Strange as it may seem we did not make any raspberry jam. Eden and Arlo love eating frozen raspberries so much that we froze all of the 30ish pounds to be devoured through the winter as is or in the occasional batch of muffins.

So it seems I didn't make anything in this post at all. The berries were grown with love though, and I think it gives them a homemade taste.

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