Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All bow down to Postmodern Hausfrau!!

Oh knitter of beautiful sweaters! oh most gracious of hostesses! oh most wonderful cook and maker of sweet things!! oh most lovely of ladies, PH I sing your praises!

I mentioned to PH on the phone right after this package arrived that the girls were beside themselves with joy at the sight of their new sweaters. They were pinging around the room dancing, shrieking, hooting their kidlet joy at the marvelous gift of sweaters. It was, of course, nearly 30 degrees inside and fearing they would whip themselves up into heat stroke I made them take off their new treasures (very unpopular move) and drink some water.

They could not help but make their very funniest of faces for the camera they were so giddy with joy and heat. When they finally tired of pulling horrid faces (thanks to the teaching of their 8yr old boy cousin who is a faces expert) they allowed me to photograph them with their regular faces and Eden's is still all red from the heinous pulling and stretching required to achieve true hilarity.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you THANKS
Your sweaters are divine and make me reconsider my string-a-phobia.

1 comment:

badbabs said...

OK the next pair of socks I give you will require photos of a high kicking momma taken atop the table!!
Boy does PH make me look like a real slug, two kids in tow and still able to produce sweaters for the girls.(and sweets but I have no proof of this) I do know there's someone I know that makes the very best salted carmel. just a comment from the recipe corner, that mango and avocado salad with onion and jalapenos was tasty especially with the BBQ's pork tenterloin.