Friday, April 17, 2009

Salted Caramels

I love caramels. So when a friend asked if I wanted to sell some at a small local concert a few weeks back I jumped at the chance to convert everyone in my town to the love of homemade salted caramels. I converted a few people by way of samples but many more were converted by a lovely lady who offered to walk around with my baskets of sweets as a neutral but enthusiastic third party. Jiminey Cricket! She is a born saleswoman and sold all the caramels in minutes. She also boosted my self-esteem to great heights just by being interested. It was so nice to have someone who is unrelated to me say something flattering. It is much easier to accept compliments from a stranger than from your family and friends. Seems like it should work the other way around? but there you have it.

1 comment:

dark cloud said...

now can you believe this? i have never tried salted caramels! i think i need to try them! how do i get my hands on some?