Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Bread

There seems to be a time in life when your kids start to realize the importance of holidays in terms of what sort of sweets will be served. That time is now at our house. My new challenge is to get them to look forward to the Easter bread as much as the chocolate bunnies and jelly beans. Not that there is much wrong with chocolate bunnies, but I am starting to wish we could settle on some more solid traditions in our family. So, naturally, I begin with baked goods.

I have a fairly standard Challah recipe that I love and this is where I started. To it I added the zest of one lemon and a few hand fulls of raisins, cranberries and Turkish apricots. It's pretty good but the next batch will have a lemon juice glaze to give it a fair chance at competing with chocolate bunnies.
(note the little bread thief in the first photo. Eden could not let the buttered slice sit untouched while I took endless photos. )

1 comment:

bluecollarcat said...

Wow, that looks REALLY good. Your next mission is to experiment with whole wheat flour... or does that just take the fun out of it?

p.s. I'll arm wrestle you for the teal sweater.