Friday, April 17, 2009

Felting up a Storm

Where have I been you ask? And with good reason, it's been ages since regular posting.
I have been up to my elbows in suds felting at the kitchen table. I am part of an artisan market at The Caravan Theatre's Mayfair. It's happening May 9th (Mother's Day here in Canada) and I am, as usual, wondering what I've got myself into. Right now Arlo is trying her level best to climb onto my lap for some attention and both girls feel felting is not a worthy activity for toddlers. This leaves only nap time and night time to felt my heart out. Anyone with little kids will tell you just what you feel like doing when the kids go to bed. Fall into a coma until they wake you the next morning.
But, onward and upward. I am making some felted wool and silk scarves that I really like and will photograph them as soon as the sun comes back out. Promise.

I also joined an online felting community called Working with Felt that I am really enjoying. I can totally geek out there with a pile of felters around the planet. It's an excellent resource for anyone who's interested in learning more about felting.

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