Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wallowing in Self Pity

Last Saturday I took part in a Mayfair event with a group of artisans. It went really poorly. Now I feel compelled to evaluate how I am interacting with the world as an artisan.
This was the fifth art/craft sale that I have done in the years since I graduated from ACAD and every one has been as miserable as the last, even though they were spread across a whole province and five or six years. At each event I talked to the people around me and regardless if they were jewellers, potters, doll-makers or soap makers, nobody was making any money. I can say personally I barely made enough to compensate for the time I stood there selling, let alone enough money to buy more supplies. And by all accounts I did better than some. I know most people don't intend to spend more than ten dollars at any one booth so I made a lot of hair clips, pins, cuffs and I had homemade candy (cashew brittle, caramels, chocolates etc...) to buoy up the bottom end of people who only intend to part with their change. So anyone who was selling paintings or silver jewellery had a really rough day.

I'm optimistic that at fairs like Renegade Craft Fair people come to buy and revel in the abundance of handcrafted items at their fingertips. But also still wallowing and willing to believe it is a myth. I need a break to figure out how to better approach the world. Continue production and sell through Etsy? Go conceptual and apply to Art Galleries? Get a loan and go to Renegade?

I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to make things happen quickly so naturally I am gripped with panic and feel a decision would help but as Postmodern Hausfrau pointed out this morning, we are yet young, with little kids and there is no rush to take over the world. This week anyway.

And on the plus side, I now have lots of time to take nicer picture of all the things I have made to show you.


Marcia said...

I think I'd be wallowing in self pitty too, but don't despair. Instead, just never do this again!

People are shockingly cheap, and I think that quite often when they are blind-sided by the wonderful crafty things we make, they don't know how to evaluate it. Like... they know a Chanel handbag runs about $2,500, but this isn't a handbag, and it doesn't say Chanel. Therefore, is it worth anything?

This is the sad truth. I love the idea of the stuff we make somehow making it out into the world to be loved by others, but I'm pretty sure craft fairs aren't the way to do it, and I'm not sure about the confusing jumble that is Etsy, although other people certainly seem to have success.

We have to figure out a way...but until other artists and crafty people become unwilling to work for $2/hour, I'm not sure what the answer is.

Anonymous said...

your work is beautiful. don't lose heart. if the craft fairs aren't working for you, focus at how you can enhance online sales. look at the social/networking sites like facebook, myspace, indiepublic. start following 'handmade' blogs and hopefully they will review your shop/items. participate in the forums on different selling venues... it takes a lot of time and effort. i spend as much time online as i do creating. just don't lose faith in your talent and your creations xx

andi said...

wow. thanks for the boost guys. i'll have to think of some way to get my work out of my house because even though i am wallowing, i am still making stuff and space is short! thanks again for the encouragement!

Proudmama said...

You make incredibly beautiful and artistic pieces. There are definitely people out there that will recognize the time, creativity and value of those pieces, it's just a matter of finding them. Perhaps Etsy like you said or ??? What about the juried craft fairs? I used to go to one in Prince George called Studio Fair and it appeared that the people there made quite a bit of money. I would go there with a few hundred dollars fully expecting to spend it all on just an item or two and I know that others would as well. Is there something like that in your area?

Keep up the great stuff, I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you're up to! :)
