Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Shoes... I mean Year!

Christmas craziness is over and I am vowing not to make anything for the entire month of January. Actually I vowed that last night but now 'Boss Hog' is x-country skiing and the girls are asleep and I am cutting pattern pieces for a new shirt and dress for me. Don't tell.

But in order to lessen my output of hand-mades and give my wrists a break I was looking for inspiration online and found it here in a multitude of shoes. Inspiring indeed and nearly heartbreaking in their loveliness so here's a pic of my favourite and highly impractical boot/sandal cross. Mmmm...


Marcia said...

Drool! I can only imagine trying to wrangle toddlers with one hand and buckling your shoes with the other!

esilver said...

Boss Hog wonders if your new years vow even lasted a day.... or if you where already thinking of making something, however, only started working on it yesterday? The shoe is a little common looking, payless maybe :)