Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hallelujah!! cheese bread

It's official. This bread will henceforth appear at every Christmas dinner that I ever make until we all become lactose intolerant. It is stuffed with a mixture of feta, mozza and ricotta (to approximate the original regional cheese totally unavailable in Canada).I have to thank the ever over-the-top Nigella Lawson for adapting this Hachapuri, a traditional Georgian bread, for her readers in Feast. It is divine in many ways. The absolute simplicity of the recipe, the fabulous reheating, the totally easy to deal with dough and, of course, the fact that when Ms. Lawson suggests that this quantity will do nicely for eight people, what she really means is eighteen people. I have kids though and I love a left over probably more than most, especially when it is this good.

But wait, there is more divinity here!! The dough is not yeasted, and while I am not averse to yeasted bread I also know that making it while wrestling a turkey and several side dishes would simply not work in my house due to lack of space alone. And it can be made 2-3 days ahead. And though basic and essential in it's construction, it is pure, glorious indulgence to eat.

* photo credits to my mom who, along with Boss Hog, suddenly got really excited for this to be blogged about and staged virtually every dish I made.

1 comment:

badbabs said...

Well third try hope this time it works. I just want to say this is the best bread, Yum Yum Mom