Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm Back

I have been a bad blogger, I know. And I didn't make this cup either. But, I'm sure you'll agree it is lovely (if you don't then maybe holding it in real life would change things). It was made by Cathi Jefferson. I bought it last weekend at Creative Chaos, apparently the largest craft show and sale in Western Canada. I have some issue with the name of the show implying that the art/craft just happens in a whirlwind of unstoppable creativity rather than by the blood and sweat of persons so inclined to work themselves ragged for nearly no money. Maybe it's just me, but I think the lousy name sets the tone for the whole show. And not a good tone generally.

How excited was I when I found Cathi Jefferson and her amazing pottery there? So excited I bought a whiskey cup! I spent last winter trying to cultivate a taste for whiskey in the cold evenings after the kids went to bed so, obviously, I needed a whiskey cup anyway. And what a lovely one this is. All covered with silver dollars. Mmm. Lovely. Almost makes me want to drag out my clay and reclaim my title as 'potter' but.....

yeah, it gets better. Dearest Boss Hog really came through for my birthday this year and organized a felting workshop for me here at my house with Postmodern Hausfrau. Jessica from Funk Shui is actually coming to my house for a whole weekend of wool. Pretty great. I am so looking forward to PH coming with wee Fritz and Liesl. Eden and Arlo are going to go bananas when they realize that we are having a whole week of sleepovers!!

As for my absence here recently. I agreed to do the concession for Susan Paisley's dance school recital two weeks ago. It was five shows of amazing dance, Eden is going to get signed up for ballet come fall, but it totally taxed the ability of me and my kitchen to mass produce cupcakes and caramel corn. As a result, I have been spending most of my time since then proving to my family that I still love them and am capable of producing delicious dinners, not just special treats that they are not allowed to taste. How cruel am I, making dozens of cupcakes and not giving the girls any? Just ask either of them and they will tell you. Not sharing is mean. I have taught them well.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

YAY! Your back! Cathi's cup is really beautiful, I've always loved her work, but don't own any yet... perhaps there is another soul destroying craft show coming through Calgary that I can hit.

The great thing about Cathi though, is that I think she probably charges enough for her work. She's been doing it long enough that she knows what she's worth.

Yay felting madness! My hands will soon feel like sand paper!