Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's A Girl!

Here's Arlo finally deciding that she is a girl and letting me put a skirt on her! Up until now she's been pretty consistently telling us that she is a boy. It's actually pretty strange seeing her dress like a girl. Here she is wearing two skirts I made her. They are elastic waisted with one long rectangle for the top portion and two even longer skinnier rectangles for the gathered bottom portion. I love sewing for the girls with their blocky little shapes. Never need to worry about darts or zippers. Bring on the elastic baby!!
This is the non-pattern type of thing I love. Just decide for yourself how long you want each part, how much gathering you want (princessy or super-princessy) and add enough to the top for elastic casing and enough to the bottom for hemming and Voila! The start of the spring collection.

*and just to be clear, Arlo is grinning like a mad thing from the joy of being asked to stand on the coffee table and not from the joy of the new wardrobe.

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