Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The wall hangings

It's been awhile, I know. I am a bad blogger already and it's only the second post. The struggle so far seems to be with time management. I have to choose if I would rather make something new or post about the things I have already made. I know the struggle is common but it doesn't make the answers any easier. I did make some hammered silver jewellery and will eventually post about it if I ever take my newest earrings out of my own ears and photograph them.

But, to stay on the woollen track I set out on, here are some felted wool wall hangings that I made recently. Some are for a gallery show and a few are destined for friends and family but all were very useful for learning. Much more useful for learning than the not so giant rug in fact. The colours were all gotten by kool-aid dyeing. Some of the pieces have hand and/or machine embroidery and a few have been stencilled on top of as well.

There were technical questions that came up for me while I was working though that I haven't found answers for. And I don't even really know who to ask. I have a few great felting books and there are scores of 'project' type books available at the library but I love information and the greatest source of felting
knowledge have found so far is Felt: New Directions for an Ancient Craft by Gunilla Paetau Sjoberg. It is the closest thing to a felting text book I have seen. I know it makes me an absolute obsessive, but I would rather have a book full of information than glossy pictures of the authors work with scanty instructions or insight. I embrace my inner info snob and get on with felting.

1 comment:

dark cloud said...

hey andi, they look GREAT!!!!!!!

i think you should keep making AND blogging, in fact you are inspiring me, (i just don't know what to blog about yet, but it will come to me, i am brainstorming!!!!) anyways back to you and your blog, good good good.

your talents convert from process and materials beautifully.

you are ace!