Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I love invisible zippers!

But as you can see, I'm not a huge fan of ironing. Can't win them all. When PH and DC were here this winter--together! at the same time!--they gave me the rundown on how my whole life would improve with the addition of invisible zippers. Of course they were right. I haven't looked back. I've made five things with invisible zippers in a month!!
This dress is one of my favourites. I bought the green linen in Vancouver this summer and have just been waiting for time to sew it into a new dress. I know the dress is not flashy and linen wrinkles like a son of a gun, but I just love it. This is the second time I've made this pattern and I did a really good job following instructions. The first time there were a few things I couldn't puzzle through in the instructions that I thought I could figure out on the fly. Hmmm. Not so much.
This time I trusted the great sewing gods at Vogue, did their bidding, et voila! it is a testament to mankind. It is lined and fits perfectly (I did have to take in the back a bit and I left off the giant bow, blech) and it's linen, so why waste time ironing it anyway?


Proudmama said...

Beautiful dress! Would look wonderful with a pair of handmade shoes. :)


Marcia said...

Lovely dress! I've got a stash of linen that I'm looking forward to busting out as soon as basement renos are done.

And I'm in awe of your ability to line a dress. I've never done it. Scares the crap out me. As far as I can tell, it gives you twice the chance of having a disaster.