Friday, August 7, 2009

Monsters for the Boys

It didn't seem fair to only make dollies for the girls we know so I invented some monsters for the little boys we love. These two are slated for a couple of special little boys we will see when we go camping next week. My dad though monsters should not have hearts on them but I found it physically impossible to leave them off.

Oh, and dads, just so you know, these are not dolls, they are ACTION FIGURES.


dark cloud said...

oh my god! i love the little monster action figures! and the dolls! you rule. also your dress is quite nice, where do you find the time, i can barely find time to eat these days!

miss you lets talk soon.

badbabs said...

Now those are way cool!!! You're going to have to make more of those. Liking the little blue dress also, the belt is a nice addition. Hey are you ever still? I know once you get in the habit it's hard to sit still. Today I accomplished many things in the kitchen in anticipation of some special visitors and finished off by knitting so I can see that dance of joy when they're done! Love mom

rah! said...

thanks for the warm wishes!!! and I like the dress print - more printy the better I say!
great monsters, I'm looking forward to costuming up my boy :)