Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Purple Quilt

The idea for this quilt was that Eden and I would potato and apple stamp some purple fabric together in a whirlwind of mother-daughter love and mutual admiration. I would then, according to her wishes, fashion her a new blanket from the stamped fabric (her feet stick out the bottom of her baby blanket that she loves). It would bring us closer and empower her artistic sensibilities in one fell swoop.

Ahem, and then it turned out that she is still only three and had no inclination to stamp three separate yardages for me to quilt. Could not be bothered beyond the first three stamps let alone three whole yards. And you know what, it's lucky for her she bailed when she did because her mother is a total control freak!

I finally pieced this thing together after I discarded the first two yards of fabric that I printed top to bottom and hated so completely they will never see the blogosphere. There was a re-evaluation of my relationship with purple (quite rocky but still civil) and a re-purchasing and re-printing of more fabric. I would likely obsess over this quilt some more but since Christmas is coming rather quickly I bound the edges and started hand sewing in the big magenta squares. Finished photos to follow more than likely after the Christmas hoopla subsides.

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