Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Eden likes red a lot. We got a copy of "Red is Best" and now it is the only colour. Eden does like a bit of drama and she can definitely pull red off with no problem. When she said she wanted a red dress down to her toes I thought we should start with a nightie.
Both Eden and Arlo are horror struck with the idea of wearing pants pajamas, so another nightie made more sense than a ball gown. She has managed to convince me in a few moments of weakness to let her wear her red 'dress' to the grocery store. I can't help myself really, she's so cute in it and I want everyone to see a kid wearing something that doesn't relate to any cartoon characters at all. I'm weird that way.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

No, you are totally normal that way! At least according to me. Fritz would like to have Lightening McQueen (thanks to you!) glued upon every surface. Several of his shirts currently sport McQueen pics, and stickers adorn his bed. The world has enough cartoon characters. Yay homemade!