Friday, June 19, 2009

Home made Pasta!!

Oooh baby, it's time to carb-load! We are having this again. Thanks to my auntie and uncle for the flour mill they got us when we got married. Thanks to my in-laws for growing organic spelt for us to grind into flour. Thanks to our egg man, John, and his perky lady hens for laying such nice eggs. Thanks to the girls for getting flour everywhere and enthusiastically cranking out the spelt-ghetti.
Eden thought she died and went to heaven. She HATES tomato sauce and was filled with joy when I presented a bowl of fresh pasta tossed with butter and freshly grated pecorino cheese. She even requested a sprinkling of parsley (she's so sophisticated).


dark cloud said...

looks so yummy, i haven't even tried my pasta press yet. i don't know how to make pasta dough, will you share your recipe with me?

Proudmama said...

I ate dinner not all that long ago and now I am STARVING because that bowl of pasta looks so incredibly yummy.
