In honour of his love of the more homely baked goods, we tried a few new things. Above is my new favourite bread/bun. It is a 50% spelt dough, slightly sweetened with TONS of chopped green onions folded in and then sprinkled slightly with Maldon Smoked Sea Salt. These are great. In fact I put them up to be considered over the traditional Hot-Cross Bun for the ultimate baked goods to welcome spring.
Below is a photo of bread called Fougasse. I love it, it's beautiful, quick to make, delicious and makes you seem like a very advanced French chef when your bread basket is full of these rather than conventional buns. Very high satisfaction:effort ratio with fougasse. Also the word itself, 'fougasse', is deliciously naughty sounding when you need to holler a truly dirty word but little ears prevent you.
the spring onion ones look so yummy, i think i will look for the book in my library.
they all look yummy
So there you go eclipsing me with your new found bread making. Question is do you have the BOOK and will you share it with your mom? I quess as long as you don't take up ice dancing I'll always have my one thing. Never mind the recipe for the fougasse looks pretty inviting but when are we going to France for the orange water?
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