Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friends of the Library

My local branch of the Okanagan Regional Library just formed a Friends of the Library Society. It is a group that raises money for extras for the library like soft chairs and new shelving. We raise the library's profile in the community and generally act as ambassadors for books. I love the library and read so much that the librarians knew my kids by name well before they were out of diapers.

Most of the people in the society are retired and everyone wants to know how to reach out to the teenagers. Then they all look at me like I would know. Just for all of you who don't know me, I haven't been a teenager for 12 years and never was much a kid with my finger on the pulse of teen trends. But I do like a graphic novel. So I made up a few posters to put up by the library to entice the youngsters. I don't know if it is working but I did see a retired farmer stop to read the posters and have a chuckle so maybe graphic novels will catch on as summer reading down on the farm.

1 comment:

badbabs said...

Great great posters! Do you remember reading during the summer for the library program? I can't remember how it went but I know you sure read a lot of good books that summer. I should be working on The Books here but when I saw you'd done an update I couldn't resist. Love Nanna B