Wednesday, April 1, 2009

She's Two

Arlo is two!! She seems like she's been two for ages now. Partly because it's easier to say she's 2 than to say she will be two in four months, and partly because she's the second child and she's way more advanced than Eden was at two. In any case, Arlo doesn't much like cake. She LOVES ice cream though so I decided to make an ice cream cake. Super yum.

Line a bowl with cling film and fill the bowl with ice cream. Bake a brownie while the ice cream sets up in the freezer. Cut the brownie into a circle to fit the opening of the bowl. Invert bowl of ice cream on top of the brownie and frost with 8oz chocolate melted with 1cup of whipping cream (cool the chocolate ganache completely before attempting to frost the ice cream!!) Promptly freeze again for at least three hours and then enjoy!!


Marcia said...

This is sheer brilliance! And I love the giant dome shape. This is what Fritz & Liesl are getting next birthday. Love it! And who can turn down chocolate ganache for icing? Who I ask you?! Mmmmmm.

badbabs said...

You obviously were much better at being patient enough to let the ganache cool completely before attempting to cover the ice cream, Well Done! I know Arlo would enjoy it very much as did everyone when we had it here. I think it will be the cake of choice around here this year for the grown up kids too.