Sunday, April 19, 2009

She had to have Purple

I am truly not a fan of purple. Eden, I think, loves only purple. Occasionally yellow if pressed, but purple is her dearest love. So I have had to re-evaluate purple and try to reconcile myself to it and this is the best I can do. I will make purple things for other people but can't bring myself to wear it. I often enough realize while out in public that I look like an Easter egg (I am not a basic black girl at all) and feel sure that if I included purple in my outfits I may be run out of town. Boss Hog would certainly have to take to drink before leaving the house with me and in a few years the girls would disown me. Forestalling all this potential strife, I will not wear purple, plum, violet, lavender etc.

But, strangely, I do like this photo of some of the purple scarves I felted in the last few weeks. They are nuno felt, merino onto silk and dyed with kool aid. I am liking the skinniness of them and the slight sheen of the silk peeking out the ladder of wool. The grid somehow mitigates the random-ness of the felt for me. I can't sit easy with total felt chaos, I like a little structure to cling to as I perch out in granola-crunching, natural-fibres-wearing, start my own sheep farm territory.


badbabs said...

I thought I might find a picture of your labours on the blog tonight. The scarves look great and I'm sure even better in 'person'. So has Eden claimed one of the purple creations as her own? I like the 'Holey' ones too. How many scarves in total were you able to make for the show? I only created a lemon loaf today, which is half gone already due to our regular Sunday visiters.
Way to go kiddo. Much Love.

Marcia said...

Purple is not a colour I naturally gravitate towards myself, but let me tell you, I would be THRILLED to wear any of these! They are sooooo beautiful - I could go on and on. Lovely! I am so glad you figured out how to get the wool and silk to stick.

rah! said...

nothing wrong with easter eggs - they are cheery.

Thanks for the felting advice. It was a bit of a crazy first attempt! With the rolling, I did it in bubble wrap, and I did roll it on the ground (for what felt like forever). Do you think I should hand rub it more first and then give it another go rolling before resorting to the shocking? and is bubble wrap a good idea?

I think after this I might leave the felting to you. I have a theory that everyone has a maximum amount of patience, and once we've allocated it on something, we can't transfer it to another thing. I think I used most of mine up for lino carving and I've got not much left for the felting. I guess that's why I'm taken by the knitting machine as well, it's zippy!