Friday, July 25, 2008

Alright, enough procrastinating to avoid first post anxiety... here it is the first big felting project that I used up most of my first 5lbs of fibre on. It's a rug I'm working on for my oldest daughter's new 'big girl' room.
I learned a lot from this project. First, that felting on this scale is hard on the wrists and i might need a personal trainer to prepare me for the next rug. Second, that if you like your kitchen table, FELT SOMEWHERE ELSE! I've rubbed the finish off the table in a few spots. Next, that my kitchen table, and indeed my kitchen, are only large enough to produce a rug roughly 2.5 x 4.5 feet. (And this was two kitchen table sized sections joined end to end) This is not really as much rug as I would have liked for the output of elbow grease that was required. However, I just got 10lbs more lovely merino wool to mess with so there is more felting on the horizon to be sure. I think though that I will try to learn more on smaller projects and save up my wrists for when I make a truly great rug sometime in the future.

The polka dots were all kool-aid dye experiments that needed to be used up on a base of un-dyed merino wool. Even looking at this now I wonder at putting a white rug in a three year old girls bedroom. Luckily, since it's my first rug, by the time it is finished I will probably hate it. I don't tend to be too precious about finished works. A few hours after it's finished I'm already plotting the next project. Which is much smaller in scale and much easier on the wrists. Hammered silver wire jewelry.
I'm nothing if not diverse.